Month: August 2015

Imagine if…

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Have you ever had a day-dreaming moment where you let caution go to the wind and allowed yourself to complete this sentence: “Imagine if…”? Not just that sort-of half way, what’s “realistic”, timid version of what might be manageable, but the really big, thrill you to the core version of what’s possible? If you answered

What Are You Willing to Risk to Be You?

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At Conscious Pioneer, we talk a lot about creativity – how it’s our human life-blood, our compulsion, our path to freedom. Every time we explore this topic, in groups, with individuals or for ourselves, we end up at the same place: owning our creativity means owning our passion, and through our passion, our creativity finds

What’s on Your BUCKET LIST?

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There are so many things and places the two of us want to explore in life. So a while ago, we decided to make a bucket list. Funny thing is, our virtual bucket got heavier and heavier, and the things we wanted to do were put more and more on hold until some day. Perhaps,